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Non-quality: A catalyst for consequential exponential waste activities

Non-quality: A catalyst for consequential exponential waste activities

28 December 2021 16:00 Published by Leave your thoughts

Gradually revealing the outcomes from several non-value-adding activities leading to roadblocks in our business, ‘non-quality’ shall be the first to be considered within this series of articles.

Value is in the eye of the consumer: How to identify waste in your business

Value is in the eye of the consumer: How to identify waste in your business

28 November 2021 17:55 Published by Leave your thoughts

Opening our eyes to anything that is non-value-adding is crucial. Doing something about it is the secret to operational success.

Managing change: The prime mover for making a difference

Managing change: The prime mover for making a difference

26 September 2021 10:00 Published by Leave your thoughts

It takes us and no-one else to instigate and make change happen within our domain. Let us not miss the starting signal… perhaps it has already been given!

Why we should drive the ‘culture of quality’ into our ethos

Why we should drive the ‘culture of quality’ into our ethos

21 August 2021 9:00 Published by Leave your thoughts

Everyone wants ‘quality’, but who defines quality, and what makes quality? In this lighter-than-usual article, let’s explore some ideas about this, and ponder as we lay on our sun lounger, wondering what happened to that drink we ordered at the bar, 30 minutes ago!

Why you should put your people first for a successful digital transformation

Why you should put your people first for a successful digital transformation

10 July 2021 9:00 Published by Leave your thoughts

People make up our business. They are the priority. It is they who instigate the myriad processes, with technology tools facilitating the execution.

How business leaders can mitigate, contain and prevent risk

How business leaders can mitigate, contain and prevent risk

7 June 2021 9:00 Published by Leave your thoughts

Risk situations have a tendency to create stress on our organisations, our people and ourselves. It is not something one generally likes living alongside.

Why you need to work towards a Lean Digital Future State for your business

Why you need to work towards a Lean Digital Future State for your business

28 April 2021 10:04 Published by Leave your thoughts

Organisations that seek to thrive must seriously consider their future state for operational activities. Doing more with less, improving on value offering and the right technology are key.

A prescription for Malta’s businesses: Urgent evolution

A prescription for Malta’s businesses: Urgent evolution

27 March 2021 8:00 Published by Leave your thoughts

The challenges for competitiveness are even greater in these times. Failing to keep up means you risk driving your business into mediocrity, very fast.

Why Malta’s CEOs should transform their business model, and fast

Why Malta’s CEOs should transform their business model, and fast

6 March 2021 18:00 Published by Leave your thoughts

Top management need to accept the fact that operational activities need constant review and evolution.