“We expect that with the vaccine rollout gaining traction and the pandemic spread restrained, the economy starts heading to much-needed growth,” said Martin Galea, Non-Executive Chairman of MAPFRE Middlesea and Director of MAPFRE MSV Life.
His comments were made in light of the Group’s annual report for 2020, which registered a profit of €14.29 million after tax, including MAPFRE Middlesea and MAPFRE MSV Life.
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c., as a standalone Company, registered a turnover of €75.12 million in gross premium written, a one per cent increase over 2019, and a marginal increase in its market leadership share.
For the rest of 2021, Mr Galea said, “we expect the demand for general business to grow at a lower rate than that experienced in recent years, while that for the protection savings and investments products in life to remain strong.”
It announced three new managers, two team leaders and two executives.
Both expressed enthusiasm for joining and collaborating with the team at Soft2Pay.
Halmann Vella marks a significant milestone while celebrating its 70th anniversary.
Having the ability to adapt to change and working in teams remained the top skills required across the board.