Jacqueline Briffa, Chief Administrative Officer and Executive Director of Alf. Mizzi & Sons Ltd, has been appointed Non-Executive Director at MIDI plc.
Ms Briffa’s appointment came to be following the company’s latest Annual General Meeting (AGM), held physically on Thursday 16th June.
As prescribed in the Articles of Associations of the Company, all of MIDI’s Directors retired from office during the AGM.
Since there were as many nominations as there were vacancies – eight nominations for eight vacancies – no election was required.
The company’s Board of Directors is now composed of the following: Alec A. Mizzi (Chairman), Jacqueline Briffa, Joseph A. Gasan, Gordon Polidano, Joseph Said, Joseph Bonello, David Demarco, Alfredo Muñoz Perez, and Mark Portelli.
Ms Briffa is the only new addition to MIDI’s Board of Directors.
The newly appointed Non-Executive Director holds a degree in Accountancy from the University of Malta, a warrant to act as a Certified Public Accountant, and an Audit Practising Certificate.
Ms Briffa is also a Fellow Member of the Malta Institute of Accountants and an Associate Member of the Malta Institute of Taxation.
She joined Alf. Mizzi & Sons Ltd in 2005 and has since served as Non-Executive Director on the boards of various AMS Group companies. Ms Briffa also serves as Non-Executive Director at Melita Finance plc.
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The nominations process allows individuals who meet the Company’s suitability criteria to be considered for inclusion in the Nominations Pool.
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