Maltco Lotteries, operator of the largest retail network locally, enlisted the help of GO to build and maintain a fully tailored online infrastructure, kicking off a partnership that finds its roots 16 years ago.
Marking the milestone, CEO of Maltco Lotteries Vasileios Kasiotakis says, “our partnership with GO started 16 years ago. Throughout this time, they have consistently shown they understand our operations – and what we need as a business as we continue to evolve.”
“The longer we work together, the more we understand how to overcome the challenges we face as a team, whilst our longstanding business relationship puts us in a position to offer advantageous offers for the benefit of agents and employees,” the CEO continues.
“As Malta’s largest investor in Malta’s digital infrastructure, we are very proud to be supporting Maltco on its incredible journey. Our investment has given us the required scale and expertise to help businesses such as Maltco, grow and deliver additional value to the Maltese community,” adds Nikhil Patil, CEO at GO plc, describing the partnership as “mutually beneficial.”
“We are honoured and feel privileged to be trusted to power such a complex operation, on which so many lives and livelihoods depend,” he adds.
To celebrate the 16th year of partnership, Maltco has collaborated with GO to offer special promotions to Maltco employees and agents.
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Fast Track is now setting an example for private companies worldwide, reinforcing its reputation as a forward-thinking employer in the ...
The Point Shopping Mall made this generous donation, reaching out in early January to offer the gifts.
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