Edmond Bonett, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Corinthia Caterers, on Thursday shared how integral it is to show appreciation to those people that are there to offer support, both during the good and bad times.
“At times, during successes but also whilst facing difficult and challenging times, we do not see or feel the many positive things around us in all their different shapes and forms,” he said, before mentioning that these can come as small tokens of appreciation, a helping hand, a huge, a phone call, a message, a pat on the shoulder, “or even a simple smile”.
He added that these can come from “family members, first and foremost, true friends, mentors, mentees, colleagues and everything else in and out of our lives which we quite possibly take for granted, underestimate or don’t quite understand the true value they carry and their relevance and contribution to our everyday lives”.
Mr Bonett reaffirmed that it is important to “never forget where you come from, what made you who and what you are today”. He continued by adding that people need to appreciate those that stood by them, and “helped and supported” them along the way.
Additionally, he said that people need to give value to those that were there to listen and give their honest opinion or point of view on matters, “irrelevant of if they had anything to gain or even possibly lose”.
Mr Bonett is a seasoned hospitality and catering industry professional, having had a number of experiences at various local and international hotels and restaurants. Earlier this year, he left his position as Group General Manager at Manouche Craft Bakery & Bistro in order to join Corinthia Caterers as COO.
Recognising your team’s achievements is crucial for fostering a motivated and engaged workforce.
He advocates for the continuous enhancement of Malta’s tourism offerings.
The research was carried out by the non-profit, non-partisan organisation
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