When you’re born into a country, it’s easy to grow numb to all of the wonders it offers. It’s only when you go abroad for a while or move away that you truly come to appreciate the good of your homeland.
Of course, Malta is no exception.
Focusing more on our islands’ downsides and less on their beauty is natural and expected – however, the wave of tourists that takes over our island every summer serves as a well-needed reminder that our tiny island does, in fact, have a lot to offer.
BRND WGN CEO Peter Grech is lucky enough to be able and willing to fill his free time with activities that, in some way or another, bring him closer to the country’s beauty – and most, if not all, of said activities are best experienced in the hot, summer days.
Having said that, Peter refuses to participate in the ever-polarising ‘summer versus winter’ debate; rather, he takes a neutral stance, highlighting that “there’s no such this as bad weather to me, just bad clothing”.
“I’m an outdoorsy type, I love each season equally, though for different reasons, but I do enjoy seeing more of the kids in the summer months,” he tells MaltaCEOs.mt.
Not only does this season bring Peter’s family closer, but it also allows him to spend days out at sea – easily one of his favourite summer activities.
“My ideal day would be out on a boat with family and friends, eating good, simple, genuine food, and drinking a can of ice cold Cisk,” he says.
Sounds like pure Maltese bliss to us.
His appreciation for the island is reflected in his holiday destination of choice as well, as he names ‘Sardinia’, an island just a few miles Northwest of Malta, as his ‘dream summer getaway’.
“I love the holidays there with my family. Driving through the open unspoilt countryside, heading to remote beaches, renting a boat and visiting crystal clear bays, and eating fresh food in humble, friendly restaurants,” Peter highlights.
“All of that whilst comparing sun tans and have a few good laughs,” he continues.
Despite Peter’s love for traveling, his plans to go overseas this summer came to an untimely demise.
“Our plan was to go abroad, but restrictions threw a spanner in the wheels as we still have young, unvaccinated children,” he says.
“We had planned on visiting family in Sweden and going to Italy with some friends, but sadly these weren’t possible,” he continued.
Let’s hope Peter and family will be able to make up for this year’s cancelled holidays next summer.
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