When starting a business or launching a new product, there is doubtless lots to do and consider, but when it comes to marketing it, the first step is asking yourself the right questions.

Matthew Zammit has some words of wisdom on the subject. The Digital Strategist, Marketing Consultant and Startup Advisor who has made it his mission to help SaaS, Tech and Mobile Apps drive growth believes that the starting point should be to ask yourself two important questions.

Who’s it for?

The first thing you should ask, Matthew says, is who your product is targeted towards and in essence, who you are intending to help with it. “You need to have a very specific person in mind. Not a random fictional ‘persona’,” he writes in a recent post. “I’m sure Sally who’s between 25-40 and has a dog and an active lifestyle could use your product, but who’s it specifically for?”

What’s it for?

The second all-important question, according to the strategist, is centred on what the product is actually for, and how you are intending to help those for which it is intended. “Your product is helping someone solve a problem. Either an external problem – achieving something – or an internal one – becoming someone better,” he explains.

Answering these two questions, the Startup Advisor maintains, will make the rest of your marketing and product roadmap far easier, so go on, ask!


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