Carmelo Hili, better known as Melo Hili, has been co-opted to the office of Non-Executive Director, legal and judicial representative of Harvest Technology plc.
The announcement was made via the Malta Stock Exchange, and sees Mr Hili, CEO of the ultimate parent company of Harvest Technology, Hili Ventures, take on this non-executive role.
Harvest Technology incorporates three companies – PTL Ltd, APCO Systems and APCO Limited, and is a subsidiary of 1923 Investments plc, the investment and technology arm of Hili Ventures Ltd.
While lying about being ‘green’ is a temporary fix, losing clients’ trust will be more harmful for the company.
'How many times have you gone to a restaurant and the person that you were speaking to just couldn’t understand ...
He emphasises that politicians need to listen to a wider audience with broader viewpoints and perspectives.
Contrary to popular belief, your HR colleague is not a Chief Happiness Officer nor Judge Judy.