A consistent challenge my clients deal with is daily distractions and the ability to focus (and maintain it) to be able to get their work done. We often succumb to endless notifications, reminders, phone calls, emails, pings, social media channels…. not to mention home chores as well as caring for loved ones.

Technology has made us more accessible and able to deal with work. We take decisions faster. This may result in being constantly aware of work demands, peeking at our devices at frequent moments throughout the day and night.

When my clients realise that they can regain control and manage distractions they regain power, confidence and a sense of freedom.

Here is an activity designed to help you identify when you are distracted so that you can bring your focus back to the task at hand.

1. Set a timer for 1-2 hours and commit to dodging all distractions for the full duration. If you cannot trust yourself use a block browser app to help you stay focused and block distractions.

2. Grab a piece of paper and create a ‘Distraction To-Do List’. Every time you feel the urge to give in to a distraction, write it down in your list instead of giving in.

3. When your timer goes off, review your list and decide if anything on that list is still worthy of your time. If so, go for it! Cross off anything that isn’t worth doing.

4. Keep your list in a safe place, and get back to work!

Overcome your distractions and regain focus.

Karl Grech is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Helping his clients enhance how they connect, influence, and inspire others. Karl can be reached at coaching@karlgrech.com or visit www.karlgrech.com  to learn more.


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