Wednesday (today), marks seven years since the assassination of Malta’s most prolific investigative journalist, whose writing on her blog, Running Commentary, oftentimes shook Malta to its core every time an article was penned.

October 16th will remain a dark chapter in Malta’s political history, marking the day when a journalist was brutally murdered in her car, silenced in her pursuit of exposing deeper layers of corruption. 

While some criticise Daphne for her blunt remarks and and often acerbic criticism of the Labour Party, others have accused her of wishing harm upon Labour supporters and their families, it is undeniable that she left a significant legacy.

From exposing deep-rooted corruption within Malta’s Government to her extensive commentary on political matters and key figures, Daphne’s blog served as a valuable resource of knowledge, including words of inspiration for people from all walks of life.

On this day, shares a collection of thought-provoking quotes penned by the journalist, intended to make readers pause and reflect. While Daphne’s words remain unchangeable, their interpretation can shift depending on what resentates with individuals in different contexts.

“Know your rights, know your civil liberties, know what the fundamental principles of democratic thinking and behaviour are, and never give in to authority just because it’s authority. That’s the thinking which feeds and enables totalitarianism.(30th October 2013)

Daphne’s emphasis on individuals knowing their rights aligns closely with her journalistic commitment to disseminating information of public interest, in a bid to safeguard democratic values. In this context, she advocates for critical thinking, encouraging individuals to question authority – whether it is government officials, politicians, or corporate leaders – when fundamental values are at stake.

Her call underscores the importance of engagement and accountability, reinforcing the idea that informed citizens are essential to a healthy democracy.

“It’s true that life is unfair and that much of it can’t be helped, but where I can do anything to avoid unfairness or to set it straight, then I will.” (3rd March 2013)

This quote echoes her drive of uncovering, or ‘setting straight’, any unfairness and wrongdoing related to corruption. In everyday life, while not everyone is set for being an investigative journalist, these words draw inspiration for always trying to do what’s right, even when life can be unfair.

This draws parallels to writer, film director, poet and philosopher Suzy Kassem’s quote: “Stand for what is right, even if it means standing alone.”

Facts are facts. You don’t have to believe them or otherwise. They just are. It’s not a matter of faith.”

Facts are simply facts and are not subjective to one’s opinion. While beliefs can be personal and variable, facts remain constant. In broader philosophical terms, this quote aptly refers to the fact that sometimes one has to accept reality as is and should be confronted without external biases or emotions that might impede you from accepting evidence-based facts.

This promotes a level of accountability in one’s actions, or lack thereof.

“When people taunt your or citicise you for being negative or failing to go with their flow, for not adopting an attitude of benign tolerence to their excess, bear in mind always what they, not you, are the ones who are in the wrong.”

Whether you are a journalist, a business leader or an assistant, integrity remains crucial even if one labels you as being too negative or judges you for what you believe in. Here Daphne points out that staying true to your cause, what  you stand for and what you believe is more important than folding to social pressures.

In a similar call to always sticking to your guns, later on Daphne writes that in her innate sense of justice: “my need to know what is right will win out in the end.” Not only championing her fight to face pressures in the political climate but reflecting internal resilience.

“The guilty man’s retort: Not ‘I am innocent’ but ‘you have no proof”

Perhaps this quote directly references many instances where her articles were challenged by involved individuals who responded to her statements by saying she had no proof.

Nonetheless, this concise sentence makes you reflect on analysing one’s words and evasion tactics. It sheds light on human behaviour, morality and truth.

“There are crooks everywhere you look now, the situation is desperate.” 16th October 2017

This quote is probably the most famous of Daphne’s words, because of the context. It representsher final published thoughts, mere moments before her murder – foreshadowing the political unrest that had been building prior to her death and the chaos that would follow.  

Not much interpretation can be given to these words and, as in Daphne’s words: “facts are facts.” With direct reference to political actors at the time, these words were echoed in activists’ mission in bringing justice to Daphne and her family, as she was murdered to conceal the truth.

All quotes were taken from the Daphne Caruana Galizia Quotes Facebook page and Notes from Daphne Instagram page.

Featured Image:

Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia / The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation


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