Day One is exciting. Regardless of what it is, feelings run riot on that first day of anything – curiosity, nervousness, enthusiasm, hope, determination. It could be a new project you’re starting, a new position within the company, a new relationship – even a new phone. On Day One, you are likely to be a lot more excited about things than on Day Two… or Day 300. Day One is great – it’s exhilarating! We love Day One!
The thing is, there is only one Day One of anything, and only one Day One in your business cycle. It could be the first day that you launch a new product and the whole team involved is excited to bring it to market. It could be the first day after a training exercise or team building experience, when your operation feels more motivated and connected. Or it could be the first day you open a new branch, and everyone is excited to welcome your customers into it.
Let’s think about your client for a moment. While it’s true that they’re probably going to enjoy all the energy hurtling into your business on Day One, the truth is that they don’t need you any less on Day Two. Similarly, as a business leader, your team doesn’t need you any less on Day Two either.
But there are a lot more Day Twos than there are Day Ones. And, over time, it’s easy to stop seeing things through fresh, new eyes and to start to cut corners, turn a blind eye, and even make excuses for why things go wrong. This isn’t ideal – and it certainly isn’t going to give you the results you got on Day One. It may even mean that your business gets less popular over time, with bad reviews and dwindling profit margins. Not good.
If you’re now wondering whether things have become a bit Day Two for your business, I’ll list some red flags you may want to become aware of:
If any of the above sound like you, your team, or your company as a whole, then you may well be chugging towards the Day Two downward spiral. And that’s alarming, but the good news is that it doesn’t have to be fatal; it’s very possible to make some critical changes, turn things around and renew that sense of excitement that prevailed at the start.
Here are some quick tips:
Worried a Day Two mindset is damaging your business? The Finesse Group has been designed to bring an outside eye to everything from your PR and marketing to your customer care, and can help kickstart a new phase in your business today. To find out more, email Jo directly on
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