Are we suffering from burnout as a result of post-pandemic? Harvard Business Review offered these six red flags to spot signs of burnout culture:

  1. Lack of autonomy
  2. Lack of fairness and inclusivity
  3. Unsustainable workload
  4. Lack of reward or recognition
  5. Lack of community, connection, and support
  6. Misaligned values

Unfortunately, we notice the signs when it is too late. Missing out on achieving results, loss of productivity, and talent. How can we be smart about spotting the signs of a burnout culture before it is too late?

Developing your coaching skills and eventually a coaching culture at work will support and empower your team to respond to challenges more effectively, as well as improve trust at the workplace.

Take time to ask what the team member would like to achieve, or help them find the energy that might be lacking and stopping them achieve their goals and flourish.  “Use GROW to become a coach-like leader” referencing a previous contribution.

Studies show that reducing burnout leads to:

  • Lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Increased positive feelings like optimism and hope
  • Increased innovation, creativity, and performance
  • Lessened attrition, absenteeism, and conflict

In a previous contribution to MaltaCEOs entitled ‘7 tips to become an empowering CEO that inspires performance I had given some practical tips you can practice to be the inspiring leader. I am recalling a few of those tips you can act to reduce the chances or identify burnout in your team:

  1. Provide suitable support and guidance – ask your team members what you can do to better support and guide them.
  2. Help team members understand their purpose and contribution to the organisation – explain how the role the team member is performing serves the vision/mission and strategy of the organisation. Highlight and emphasise critical areas.
  3. Notice inappropriate behaviour in others and respond effectively – seek others’ feedback on this topic, ask for specific examples and ask what you could be doing differently.
  4. Maintain a positive work environment – ensure there is time and effort spent on the development of relationships among your team.
  5. Recognise others’ hard work and achievements – wherever appropriate, take the time to personally thank your people for their hard work and explicitly praise them for their achievements.

What’s one way you’ll commit to reducing burnout for your team today?



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